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We Are
You Go Girl
Leadership Institute

Celebrating 2 graduating classes of YGGLI scholars.

About the Institute

We are a non-profit organization that streamlines opportunities , resources, and programming to adopted, fostered, and kinship girls between the ages of 7 and 17, while instilling God's promises into their hearts. 



Your story is unique. Your advocacy should reflect your triumph, growth, and existence. We have a host of advocates that are committed to delivering tailored resources, empowerment seminars and changing the narrative of the adopted and fostered girl -- an extraordinary girl who can never be forgotten.


Our partners are respected industry experts who have years of experience in their field. We provide college readiness and LinkedIN workshops, along with 1-on-1 and mock sessions all year long to help you develop and curate your next chapter.



Faith is in our DNA. Not only are we led by a woman who was adopted, but we also know how easily the world can throw disgrace your way. Our annual She's Home summer block party commemorates the lives of all of our girls. It's apart of our core identity and pledge to reassure you of your purpose and God's unique promise to you. 

Breaking the Stigma

12 out of13

Of surveyors highly recommend our services.


Of surveyors have not experienced an organization specifically catered towards  adopted and fostered girls.


Families have received our support since inception and that number is growing daily.

Breaking the Stigma means standing in the gap with our students, partners, and members, to  broaden our horizons and cultivate an atmosphere to grow/heal. What started off as a personal mantra manifested into a statement that founder, Danielle Porter, carried through her life to dismantle her own fears. 


Our foundation seeks to mentor, encourage, develop, and guide young girls between their core development years. Between the ages of 7-17,  young girls are discerning and learning about their worth. We aim to provide them with a safe space that allows them to be themselves, be encouraged and uplifted,  and be surrounded by communities who value unique stories -- no matter if  guidance or support  is needed when navigating them.


There is a negative stigma around adoption and fostering. 


You Go Girl Leadership Institute is dedicated to breaking the stigma and reclaiming narratives, recognizing that it empowers young girls  when they define their own stories. 

"The stories that we are given are our platform, our testimony, to be able to share with others. It's not an asterisk, to be omitted or looked over -- and it is surely not where our stories end."

- Founder,Danielle Porter

Annual Report

Take a look back with us in our 2022 Annual Report.


Danielle Porter



Jessica Clark

Communications Strategist/Creative Director 

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